miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

Finding for Nemo

The most unforgettable movie i ever seen before is "Looking for Nemo". A Disney movie that i saw the first time in the cinema and from that moment, it became in to my favourite movie. One reason is because of the sweet topic that it talk about. The real love between a father with his son, the fight for getting into him when he get lost. It's very funny you get laught a lot of times, but the personage that i really loved was Doris. Not only for her way of being, but it also reminds me of my self. "I'm Doris!!" i always say, and that's because i forget everything. My memory is totally empty, my hard drive is limited and because of it i have a lot of problems every day. That movie reminds me, but that's just an anecdote. This film is a very good work between the story and the way to produce it. A very good kind of image. If i had to recommend a movie, this is the one.

martes, 21 de octubre de 2008


Reading about the "Victory City, the city of the future" and watching the images about the Mr. Simpson's proyect, i really don't agree with his proyect. The idea of create a new kind of city, that keeps the vast areas the way they are, our natural food producing land, is very interesting and convincingly; not just as the form that he resolves the problem. Like an architecture student, i'm really worry about this problem. Every time i have to make a project, the way this is gonna impact the actual city is a concern for me. However, the idea of a city within a building isn't the solution i think. I agree in the future we will have to use height like a solution for overpopulation, but all them inside a box named "city" is horrible for natural life. We already have to interact with buildings as part of our life, but Mr. Simpson's idea is an overstatement way of life. He have very good ideas, like transporting solution, but not the same with cafeterias. In Victory city, everyone would eat in one of the large cafeterias rather than cooking for themselves. A large rotating serving counter called the Circl-Serv could feed approximately 16,333 people in only 3½ hours. What about the family moments around the dinner table?.....it isn't contemplated on this way of life.

Anyway, this is only an utopy, maybe in 50 years the solution will be much better than this.


When i had to choose an important work of art for me, inmediatly came to my mind the word "angels", but not anyone.....but a very famous one. The author of it, is Rafael Sanzio. It was an comissioning of Pope Julius II, surely for his tomb. It name is "The Sistine Madonna", from the Renaissance period. But the most important for me, are angels. That kind of angels are named "puttis" because of their style of chubby angel, with expression and tender pink. I've always liked angels, it's like a very important sign for me, i really feel identified with them. The first time i saw this work of art, was because of the angels. I saw them in a foil in a store and then i started to looking for information about it. The period of art i've always liked is The Renaissance. In that period, all arts were at their peak. Every time i see the foil in my room (i have it hung one the wall) the sweet faces of the angels are a time of tranquility as a journey through time.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008

Nobel prize for chemistryilluminates disease

Wouldn't be amazing to "see" with our eyes the cell's process and molecular cogs at work? Well, this year, the Chemistry Nobel Prize is for three scientifics ( two of them Americans and the other Japanese scientists) who have been working with the GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein). The GFP is a protein wich was first observed in a speacially jellyfish and it allows to probe nerve cell damage in Alzheimer's disease, cancer progress and HIV infection process. It's use to watch how the cells work , it means, to understand how all the cells components interact with each other.

The cells, in contact with this protein, reveals concentration, movement and the fact of interaction if it is necesary. It can reveals insight of what goes wrong during disease. It's something spectacular if you think about this help for biology studies. The scientists named: Prof. Osamu Shimomura, Prof. Martin Chalfie and Prof. Roger Tsien, were the winners of the prize, which will take an equal share of 10m Swedish kronor.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

TELEVISION, What does people think about?

I made an interview to people between 20 and 30 years old about television. About the kind of programs they always watch the average watch series, like Grey's Anatomy, Friends, Two and a half man. It means that the entertainment series are prefered for young people. It have sense if we understand that young people study or work all day, and to arrive home to watch a comedy series is distract and fun. The news were named for all them, and it's because young people have the need of being informed about today. The other question concerned about a critical way to understand television. Most of the interviewees concurred that television today don't contribute for knowledge and culture (speacially national television) and the crime, drama and sex are not good for children because it could distort their minds.
The frequency they watch TV is very little. About their television tastes, the best international actress was Julia Robert and actor was George Clooney. And the best national actress and actor, were Maria Izquierdo and Alfredo Castro. If they would have to choose between to watch their favourite movie in their television very confortable on their beds or to watch it in the cinema with the full surround, most of them prefer the cinema if the movie have a lot of action, but if it is about romance or comedy they totaly prefer their home. And the last question was about the chance of being in the television world, working there, and all them said "i wouldn't work there", because of the private life that you lose.