martes, 21 de octubre de 2008


Reading about the "Victory City, the city of the future" and watching the images about the Mr. Simpson's proyect, i really don't agree with his proyect. The idea of create a new kind of city, that keeps the vast areas the way they are, our natural food producing land, is very interesting and convincingly; not just as the form that he resolves the problem. Like an architecture student, i'm really worry about this problem. Every time i have to make a project, the way this is gonna impact the actual city is a concern for me. However, the idea of a city within a building isn't the solution i think. I agree in the future we will have to use height like a solution for overpopulation, but all them inside a box named "city" is horrible for natural life. We already have to interact with buildings as part of our life, but Mr. Simpson's idea is an overstatement way of life. He have very good ideas, like transporting solution, but not the same with cafeterias. In Victory city, everyone would eat in one of the large cafeterias rather than cooking for themselves. A large rotating serving counter called the Circl-Serv could feed approximately 16,333 people in only 3½ hours. What about the family moments around the dinner table? isn't contemplated on this way of life.

Anyway, this is only an utopy, maybe in 50 years the solution will be much better than this.

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