martes, 21 de octubre de 2008


When i had to choose an important work of art for me, inmediatly came to my mind the word "angels", but not anyone.....but a very famous one. The author of it, is Rafael Sanzio. It was an comissioning of Pope Julius II, surely for his tomb. It name is "The Sistine Madonna", from the Renaissance period. But the most important for me, are angels. That kind of angels are named "puttis" because of their style of chubby angel, with expression and tender pink. I've always liked angels, it's like a very important sign for me, i really feel identified with them. The first time i saw this work of art, was because of the angels. I saw them in a foil in a store and then i started to looking for information about it. The period of art i've always liked is The Renaissance. In that period, all arts were at their peak. Every time i see the foil in my room (i have it hung one the wall) the sweet faces of the angels are a time of tranquility as a journey through time.

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